Volunteers needed!

If you would like to help, please click On the church email address: mailto:office@fupcdc.org


Souper Bowl of Caring—
Let’s Tackle Hunger!

Many in our community are struggling with food insecurities. There is an enormous need to help put food on our brothers and sisters’ tables.  As a Matthew 25 church we are called to reach out to those in need. 
Your generosity in helping to provide healthy non-perishable food and other needed items to those in need is an expression of God's love for all. Thank you for helping us tackle hunger in Prince William County!

Partnership between FUPCDC and Dale City Elementary School

The ministry teams of Evangelism and Outreach and Mission provide assistance and support to the school throughout the year. There are opportunities for the congregation to participate in providing needed services to the school.

December Donations of Food and Hats and Scarves

Spread the Bread

Spread the Bread is our weekly ministry to help people experiencing homelessness in our area. It was started in 2009. Ways you can help:

  • Pray for the Spread the Bread volunteers as they serve.

  • Make sandwiches for our outreach Sunday.

  • Volunteer one hour on Sunday to transport and reach out.

Contact: Jon Guest

Spread the Warmth

Imagine what it would be like to experience the cold of winter outside! To help bring a little warmth to our unhoused friends, a dedicated group of knitters and crocheters make warm hats and scarves for our local friends who are in need.

We also make hats for those suffering from cancer.

If you knit or crochet, please consider joining our group!

Contact: Elizabeth Glyer

Food Pantry

A collection point for canned and boxed food that is collected for ACTS and other needs. ACTS is a local social service organization, and the acronym stands for Action in the Community Through Service. ACTS food pantry gives away over 50,000 pounds of food each month to those in need in our community. Healthier foods, such as no salt added vegetables and protein enriched pastas, are needed.  In addition, there is a need for other items such as cooking oil, paper towels, dish detergent, laundry detergent, napkins, toilet paper, full size shampoo, and toothpaste as well as other toiletries.

Contact: Pam Cox